Updated (most recent first) Updated (oldest first) Name (A => Z) Name (Z => A) Size (ascending) Size (descending) Distance (ascending) Distance (descending) Created (most recent first) Created (oldest first)
13 properties found
Havant, PO9
Other To Let
3,490 sq ft
Liphook, GU30
Offices To Let
273 sq ft
Aldershot, GU12
Investment For Sale
14,241 sq ft
Farnborough, GU14
1,466 sq ft
Farnham, GU9
Retail To Let
439 sq ft
Farnham, GU10
Offices Lease Assignment
1,686 sq ft
Ashford, TN24
524 sq ft
645 sq ft
Ashford, TN23
Other / Offices To Let
1,676 to 6,785 sq ft